Mountain Mover Ministries

At Mountain Mover Ministry, I want to help empower you and your business to be the best version of yourself that God intends for you to be.

I know what it's like to go through a valley and be in the storm, only to find the storm got worse as you climb higher! So what do you do when every turn feels like a Job moment? What do you do when there seems to be no end in sight? What does God expect from us during these times?


Matthew 7:24-27 - Build on the Rock

24 "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

26 "But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall."

You have two choices: build on the sand or the rock because storms will come regardless of where you build!

Mountain Movers 

Vision and Purpose Statements

The ambitious vision of Mountain Movers Ministries is to...

1.   enhance, improve, and set people free from bondage!

2.   To address destructive and intrusive mindsets that imprison and hinder the God-given gifts and purposes of every person we encounter.

3.   I am no respecter of persons! I don't care if you're the head or the feet. If correction is called for, I will tell you straight!

Our Purpose statement is to; 

"empower people with knowledge and strategies for aligning organizations and individual character according to biblical principles in their personal, private, and public lives."

Mountain Mover Ministry's overreaching goal is to bring Biblical-inspired deliverance to all people regardless of who they are or where they find themselves. It doesn't matter if you are a CEO or a sanitation worker! We don't care if you are homeless or the Maharaja! Jesus and the principles of biblical living are for everyone! This ministry is here to serve and meet you how, when, and where the spirit leads and supplies!

Here are some guiding questions to ask yourself when considering reaching out to us,

We will offer this disclaimer! Issues often plaguing many organizations, such as ministries, businesses, and governments, are often rooted in the same quicksand as others have found themselves stuck or sinking in. Problems often lie in poor leadership, so correction must start at the top!

Suppose you aren't willing to receive correction. If the issues include a need to restructure leadership, and leadership won't receive the necessary modification, please understand we can only effectively address issues when one is willing to receive Godly guidance or fatherly discipline!

The best version of you, your church, and your business is the disciplined version of you!

- Clint McCoy -

We don't know the day or the time, so make every day count!

Chewy 2002 - 2017