Mountain Mover Ministries

Why should you consider me?

I have had thousands of conversations and spent over 20 years building an understanding of people. I am passionate about helping people become the version God intended; consequently,  that is the best version they can be!

My passion is mending the broken by using biblical scripture tempered with practical wisdom. I often take a Value-added problem-solving approach. 

I can engage through public speaking, brand image, strategic alignment, and personal mentorship. I bring a value-added mindset when entering any relationship. I care more about what I can get to those in need than what the relationship can do for me.

Open to Evangelical Ministry - Public Speaking - Business Consulting, - Operations Management - Project Management - Brand Ambassadorship.

I am also the King of the BBQ! So if you want the best Tri-Tip or Ribs, I got it handled!

I stand on biblical principles. John 3:16 is more relevant to today's day and time than ever before!

John 3:16 

16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

Proverbs 18:16

"A man’s gift makes room for him And brings him before great men."

Personal Statement of Intention and qualifications'

I Am passionate about people and helping them become the best version they can be!

My qualifications include the following;

We don't know the day or the time, so make every day count!

Chewy 2002 - 2017